This award will recognize the achievements of the company that has demonstrated a consistent ability and commitment to improve and enhance efficiency as well as being a front-runner with the ship agency services offered in their respective maritime market. Environmental commitment and measures taken at improving the same will also be assessed. The company’s continuing drive to further the development of the maritime sector in their region through the introduction of new services that further simplify administration and logistics to ship owners, operators and shippers will also be critical.
Shipping Agents (Liner) serving the port of Mombasa
Judging criteria:
The judges’ decision will be partly informed by a customer satisfaction index as well as other data from regulatory authorities (Memorandum Of Cooperation & Mombasa Port Community Charter) which will be used among other parameters as indicated below.
Judges will be looking for clear information backed up by facts that pays particular attention to the criteria listed below.
§ Organization background: Provide a brief description of the organization such as when it was established, areas operating in, key clients and organizational chart.
§ Key Projects & Initiatives: Provide a brief description of significant clients that you have supplied services to and why you think the relationships were exceptional.
§ Business growth: Outline significant and specific activities that have contributed to business growth. This may include, but is not limited to, client gains or retention, sectoral growth, a boost to operational performance.
§ Innovation: Details of any unique efforts or processes that have been employed, demonstrating how offerings have been adapted to meet the specific business needs and local conditions of clients.
§ Customer focus: Describe how the business provides an outstanding and professional service, demonstrating how it has benefited clients.
§ Operational Excellence: Please outline steps taken by the organization to boost operational performance, including any resulting tangible benefits to your customers.
§ Indicate the number of clients and volume of business.
§ Include any other facts or statements that you feel are relevant to support the entry such as efficiency measures put in place.
§ Include client testimonial(s) where possible especially on surcharges and demurrage.